A quick family update

Elliot is in the final phase of his high school. He received two conditional acceptances to his choice schools in the Netherlands. He should hear in a month if he’s been accepted. They are limited on the numbers accepted, so even though his predicted grades are excellent (43) there’s a chance he could not get in. That has him a bit tense.  Meredith has just returned from a school service trip to Mumbai, India. It was life altering for her. She’s taking a very active interest in her finances and is hustling for babysitting jobs. Meredith decided to dye (temporarily) her hair blue. Both kids need their passport renewed, and that means Elliot now gets an adult, 10 year passport. He also had to register for the civil service back home now that he’s 18.  Larry continues to be recognized at Akamai.  And I am very busy with volunteer work, part time work at the school, and all that goes into our own strategic planning and operational requirements. Our hosting season and travel season quickly approaches, and I am very excited (and a little nervous) at what the next six months have in store for us.


February Break, Alps and Florida

For the February break, we opted for a divide and conquer approach. Larry needed to work for most of the week, and both Elliot and Larry wanted to learn to ski.  Merrie had no desire to try the slopes, and both she and I wanted some sun and warmth.  It had also been too long since I had seen (in person) my mom and dad. So the boys headed to the Alps and Merrie and I headed to Florida.

Continue reading February Break, Alps and Florida

These two have become thick as thieves

img_2367One of the benefits of this relocation has been how close Elliot and Meredith have become as they both have become older. They both have a nice group of friends from school, but over the past year they have become better friends with each other.

Last night, the kids continued the dinner conversation even after everyone was done eating. They kept talking while they did the dishes. They continued talking well after that, too. Their discussion was about the constitution (tho it definitely wandered in many political and ideological directions).  And while it was mostly Elliot in the role of teacher, Meredith was far from a passive learner. She was engaged. She questioned and she challenged. She brought up good points and she stopped him from verbally steamrolling her (something he’s always working to improve with everyone).

I was off doing my own thing, but occasionally I picked up snippets as I passed through. It all made me smile. But the part that sent me over the moon was when I heard the very familiar strains of School House Rock’s “Preamble” floating through the house. I was a proud mama at that moment. (and it’s still stuck in my head). When I went downstairs later in the evening to wish them goodnight, I found them on their beanbag chairs happily watching a movie together.

I know that sometimes she is just humoring him. More often than not his passions are not in her wheelhouse. I know that sometimes he is over protective, and sometimes they just drive each other crazy. But they also really look out for each other. They take care of each other. It looks like they are on a path to be really great friends with each other for the rest of their lives.  I don’t know that I could ask for more.

They lose their sh*t; I lose my mind

For the past 3-6 months, my kids are constantly misplacing or losing things. Important things. Expensive things. I’m not talking umbrellas or paperbacks (tho, those have been lost too). I’m talking keys, phones, wallets, train tickets, money, IDs, jackets, earbuds, hats, thermoses, computer chargers, razors, phone chargers. You name it, they are losing it. Like little costly breadcrumbs, trails of Underhill possessions are scattered everywhere. Berlin, Starnberg, Switzerland, on the trains, at the school. Continue reading They lose their sh*t; I lose my mind

Boy, it’s quiet around here

Elliot left yesterday morning for a 5 day bike trip with his class starting in Passau, GermanIMG_7400y, following the Danube, and ending in Vienna, Austria. (raise your hand if, like me, you wish you could do this trip).

Needless to say, with him gone, it’s pretty quiet around here. There’s been no talk of politics or political correctness for over 24 hours. But there’s also been  fewer jokes, puns, comedy (both the successful and failed varieties) and laughter in general.

We miss this froody dude. Even Merrie, who enjoys being an only child, admits she misses her brother. We are looking forward to hearing all about the trip when he gets home on Saturday.

Elliot’s birthday


I realize I’m a little behind on posting pictures. Unfortunately, in scrolling through my camera roll, most of my pictures are of lists of things we need or possible furniture ideas from the different stores (Ikea, Roller, Momax, Masions du Monde, etc). But there are a few to share. Here are the pictures from Elliot’s birthday celebration, well, at least the first half.  The second half involved an amazing hike out of Garmish with Larry.  Larry has the pictures and the tales of their adventures which he will share soon. Not to steal his thunder — rather to build suspense, I will include the above picture (because I love it!) and a teaser story of Elliot Humperdinck who sleuthed around the scene of what appears to be a hare successfully hunted by a big cat dog (thanks, Todd for your help).

Elliot’s birthday was pretty low key, per his request. He chose Vietnamese for the meal, and let me tell you: the restaurant (a mere 10 minute walk) was out of this world delicious!  When we got home from dinner we gave him his presents, which included a t-shirt from his sister and a bag full of American junk food goodies that he had been missing and craving. Top of that list was his coveted A1 Steak Sauce (I try not to judge). The next morning, his actual birthday, I cooked him his favorite breakfast: bacon, eggs, and toast with homemade jam. That afternoon, he also got to make a wish on his birthday krapfen (we haven’t found any cakes, per se, yet).  Then Sunday was the Man Hike in the Alps… but that’s a story for a different writer.

Advent Calendar 2015

This marks the end of another Advent Calendar season.

As you may or may not know, one of the rules for Advent Calendar is that before they get to open a drawer, they need to write something for which they are grateful or thankful. Without commentary or edits, here are this year’s gratitudes.   From all of us to all of you, may your holiday season be filled with gratitude, humility, peace, and laughter.  Continue reading Advent Calendar 2015

A quick capture

Elliot and I were on our way to an early parent/teacher conference after a less-than-stellar progress report. Elliot was a little nervous, understandably, and making small talk as we drove.

He: I don’t really like this shirt.
Me: Then why did you wear it?
He: It’s light blue and it’s known that light blue calms people and makes the wearer seem more trustworthy and likable, and… OH NO!!!
Me:  ?!
He: Both my teachers have degrees in psychology!! They will totally see through my attempt!!!

Two Fortune Cookies and One Cookie of Misfortune

I am sick, sick, sick.  Larry and Elliot both are sick too. I’m sure Meredith is next. Between my coughing fits, fever, chills, sore throat, and aches I decided that take-out was the best answer for dinner: quick, easy, comfort foodie goodness. I asked the kids what they preferred, and for once they agreed on Chinese. Works for me. In fact, it works so well that I ordered enough for tonight (and later tonight) and tomorrow.  While we were enjoying our sweet, salty, fried deliciousness, I mentioned to the kids that they should try to get their fill of Chinese and Mexican food because there doesn’t seem to be a lot of those restaurants in Munich.  We passed the rest of the meal talking about the move and food.

Meredith finished her dinner first and requested a fortune cookie.  It read:   “Travels from nesting space will take you to a broader cultural horizon.”  (I kid you not.)

Mine read:  “Your present plans are going to succeed.” (Good news, be it the plans to move abroad or the more immediate plan to go to bed.)

Elliot’s read:  “Don’t let the unexpected throw you.”  And here’s what’s funny (or not) about that:  This afternoon, Elliot was thrown unexpectedly (and painfully) from his bike.  Thankfully he is okay. Elliot did not appreciate the irony, though.

The bike accident was the second incident in two weeks where my son gave me a heart attack. We spent the first 14 years of his life safe and predictable and out of the ER.  I would really like to see that trend continue.  Maybe I can find a fortune cookie that will reassure me.